
Trad A Trad A

Translator not yet rated
Language pairs :

From: English To: Portuguese (Brazil)

From: Portuguese To: English (US)

From: Portuguese To: Spanish (Spain)

From: Spanish To: Portuguese (Brazil)

Areas of expertise :

- Administration;

- Aerospace engineering;

- Agrarian Sciences;

- Agricultural engineering;

- Agronomy;

- Alternative medicine;

- Anthropology;

- Archeology;

- Architecture and urbanism;

- Astrology;

- Astronomy;

- Biochemistry;

- Biological Sciences;

- Biology;

- Biomedical engineering;

- Biophysics;

- Botanical engineering;

- Botany;

- Cheers;

- Chemical engineering;

- Chemistry;

- Cinema & Video;

- Civil engineering;

- Coaching;

- Communication;

- Computation;

- Dance;

- Demography;

- Dentistry;

- Design;

- Domestic economy;

- Drugstore;

- Ecology;

- Education;

- Electrical engineering;

- Empowerment;

- Engineering;

- Entrepreneurship;

- Esotericism and Spiritualism;

- Exact Sciences;

- Food technology;

- Forest engineering;

- Games;

- Gastronomy;

- Genetics;

- Geography;

- Geosciences;

- Human Resources;

- Humanities;

- Humor;

- Hunting and fishing;

- Immunology;

- Industrial engineering;

- Journalism;

- Languages;

- Law;

- Linguistics;

- Linguistics, Letters, Arts;

- Literature;

- Materials and metallurgical engineering;

- Mathematics;

- Mechanical engineering;

- Medicine;

- Microbiology;

- Mining engineering;

- Morphology;

- Museology;

- Music;

- Naval and ocean engineering;

- Nuclear engineering;

- Nursing;

- Nutrition;

- Oceanography;

- Others;

- Paleontology;

- Parasitology;

- Pharmacology;

- Philosophy;

- Photography;

- Physical;

- Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy;

- Physical education;

- Physiology;

- Probability and statistics;

- Production engineering;

- Psychology / Psychoanalysis;

- Religions;

- Sanitary engineering;

- Self help;

- Sign languages;

- Social Sciences;

- Social service;

- Sociology;

- Speech therapy;

- Story;

- Sustainability;

- Theology;

- Tourism;

- Translation Studies;

- Transport engineering;

- Urban and Regional Planning;

- Veterinary;

- Visual arts;

- Zoology;

- Zootechnics;

- economy;

- political science;

- theater;

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